How to delete customer payment

You need to delete your customer's payment when you make a wrong payment transaction, or by mistake, add a payment receipt transaction to the wrong invoice . Luckily, the Nexchar point of sale gives that flexibility to delete or undo a payment transaction at any time you want.

To delete a wrong payment transaction, first you need to find the invoice. Open your Nexchar Point-of-Sale app, then tap the Menu icon.

Then a navigation drawer will appear then tap to sales.

Then it will send you to the sales page. Now find your invoice and tap on the invoice row

It will take you to the detailed invoice page. On the invoice page, scroll down and you will find all the payments you have received.

Then, swipe left on the transaction you want to remove. Immediately, you will see the delete button.

Tap, the delete button. It will ask your conformation then delete the transaction 

After a successful deleted transaction, the transaction row becomes blurry. 

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