How to set product low stock alerts

The low stock notification features help you to know about the product's low inventory so that the store admin can order new products from their supplier.

With Nexchar, you can set low stock alert for your products. If a product's in-stock quantity falls below the preset threshold, a low stock alert is generated.

A low stock alert is received by:

  • Notification emails : The email is sent to the associated staff account.
  • Push notification: You will receive a notification on your mobile phone.

To set the stock alert level threshold for an item in stock, select Product on the Nexchar menu and navigate to the Products screen.

Click on the item you want to edit. It will take you to the edit page.

Now go to Inventory options

In the inventory settings on the right hand side, there is a "Set low stock alert" checkbox. Tick this checkbox.

Then a new textbox titled "Low stock threshold" will appear on your computer screen.

Here the admin can set the quantity below which the notification for the low stock will be sent.

Click the SAVE button to save the new changes. You can change this setting at any time..

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